
What is The College of Physicians of Philadelphia?
We're not a college, but a non-profit institution, promoting the heritage and future of health and medicine.
The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, founded in 1787, is one of the oldest professional medical organizations in the country.
Twenty-four physicians of 18th-century Philadelphia gathered "to advance the science of medicine and to thereby lessen human misery." Today, nearly 1,500 Fellows (elected members) continue to convene at the College and work toward better serving the public.
Throughout our history, the College has provided a place for medical professionals and the general public to learn about medicine as both a science and as an art.
This historic spirit continues in our current mission: advancing the cause of health while upholding the ideals and heritage of medicine.
Our programs reflect our reverence for the past, our commitment to the present, and our vision for the future of medicine and health.
The College strives to:
- Enable individuals, families, and communities to take greater responsibility for their health.
- Improve the health of the public through service to health professionals.
- Enhance appreciation of the heritage of medicine.
- Provide information for the development of health policy.