Library Policies

The Historical Medical Library welcomes all researchers who wish to use the Library's collections.
Researchers agree to abide by . To make a research inquiry or request reproduction services, complete a . For other inquiries, please contact .
Access Policies
Researchers are welcomed to the Library by appointment only. Appointments must be made at least two weeks in advance and are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 AM–4:00 PM. If you are traveling from a distance, we recommend scheduling at least one month in advance to ensure availability on your desired dates. To schedule an appointment, complete a Researcher Request Form.
Cancellations of research appointments must be made a minimum of 24 hours prior to scheduled arrival. Rescheduling of appointments is dependent on staff availability.
After a research request is approved, approved researchers may schedule their appointment here. As soon as an appointment date and time is confirmed, you must place holds for all the material you wish to view during your appointment through the Library’s online catalog. A staff member will create an account for you and contact you with instructions on placing holds. Holds must be placed no later than two weeks before your appointment.
Please check in at the Visitor Services desk as a Library researcher immediately upon arrival to sign in and receive a researcher tag. All bags, coats, food/beverages, and other non-permitted items must be checked in the lockers near Visitor Services before proceeding upstairs and to the left to the Norris Reading Room.
Items permitted in the reading room include paper, pencils (no pens), laptops, phones (on silent mode), digital cameras (silent mode, flash off).
The reading room will close from 12PM-1PM for lunch.
There is an accessible entrance to the College on Van Pelt Street at the east side of the building, parallel to 21st and 22nd streets. At the right of the glass door marked "College of Physicians of Philadelphia," you will see an intercom speaker and talk button. Press the button, and when someone responds, say that you are visiting the Historical Medical Library and need to enter via the accessible entrance. If you are able to tell us in advance that you plan to use this entrance, we will endeavor to meet you there and check you in directly.
Rare books from the College's Historical Medical Library are now on view to the public every* Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM – 5 PM. Access is included with Mütter Museum admission. Buy tickets at the link below. Please note these are gallery hours, not research hours.
Rights and Reproductions
All College images, scans, and photographs may be subject to copyright. To use these materials in a publication, film, work of art, or any other use, complete a . Restrictions may apply due to protected information, donor restrictions, or condition restrictions.