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Wohlreich Junior Fellows Program

Two teens sit at a table while an older man kneels between them smiling at the camera
Two teens sit at a table while an older man kneels between them smiling at the camera

Philly teens: interested in joining the Wohlreich Junior Fellows Program?

We're now accepting applications for our next cohort!

Shaping Philly youth into the healthcare professionals of the future!

Founded in 2009, the George and Judy Wohlreich Junior Fellows program is a summer and after-school program aimed at Philadelphia high school students from historically excluded communities. The program seeks to foster interest in careers in healthcare and medicine through hands-on learning and interaction with professionals. The program also provides academic counseling and support to better prepare these students for college and their future careers.

Through the resources of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, including The Mütter Museum, the Historical Medical Library, and the College’s vast network of Fellows, our dedicated instructors seek to provide a safe, friendly, and engaging environment for students to obtain a unique education and prepare for their futures.

From 2009 to 2020, the program was made possible through the generous support of Nicholas and Athena Karabots and the Karabots Foundation.

I think it has given me the utmost confidence as far as what the possibilities of my career goal could be. For that, I’m just forever thankful.

Junior Fellow Student

About George and Judy Wohlreich

The Program is named after George and Judy Wohlreich. From 2006 to 2021, George M. Wohlreich, MD, MA, DSc (Hon), FCPP, was the President, CEO, and Thomas W. Langfitt Chair of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. During his tenure, Dr. Wohlreich spearheaded the creation of the program, which led the Center for Education to develop its unique educational model.

Program Details

  • In order to be eligible to take part in the program, a student must fulfill the following requirements (Please note: exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis):
    • They must be a rising sophomore (entering the 10th grade in the school year following recruitment).
    • They must be a Philadelphia resident.
    • They must be attending a Philadelphia public or charter high school (home schooled students are also welcome to apply).
    • They must have an interest in healthcare or medicine.
    • They will be the first in their immediate family to graduate from a college or university.
    • They must qualify for a free or reduced price school lunch.
    • They may not have any disciplinary problems on their school record.
    • They must have permission from a parent/guardian to take part in the program.
    • They must be prepared to provide a work permit if they are brought in for an interview (more information on obtaining a work permit).
    • If selected for the program applicants should also be interested in continuing the program through the school year and summer through their senior year of high school.

    Please note: We are not currently accepting applications for the George and Judy Wohlreich Junior Fellows program. Please check back regularly for more updates on the program.

  • Year One

    In the summer prior to their sophomore year, Junior Fellows take part in an intensive 2-week program of workshops, hands-on activities, field trips and meetings with healthcare professionals. During the course of their sophomore year, students meet once a week for an after-school program. Their programming focuses around an overarching themed related to healthcare and medicine. Students also develop a year-long project related to that theme. Past student projects have included Mütter Museum exhibits as well as forensic science-themed games. Each student is also paired with a healthcare professional who serves as a mentor.

    Year Two 

    In addition to a two-week summer program and after-school program during the school year, Fellows participate in individual internships in various departments of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia where they develop valuable career skills. 

    Year Three

    During the summer, the Fellows take part in externships where they work alongside a healthcare professional who fits their career interests. During the final year of the program, students will take part in workshops related to the College search. They will receive assistance in such areas as SAT/ACT preparation, assistance with college admissions applications, and career counseling.

They’ve given us connections. They bring real people from all over that are specialists. In school you could read about it, they’ll teach you about it, but you don’t actually get that experience.

Junior Fellow Student

Health and Safety Notice

In the event of a public health emergency, and in accordance with local, state, and federal health recommendations, the program will either be held virtually or in person at The College of Physicians of Philadelphia (19 South 22nd Street). The Center for Education will make all necessary precautions to provide adequate social distancing for any in-person activities. Transit passes to and from any in-person events will be supplied by The Center for Education.